Chelyabinsk oblast
Offices PEK Chelyabinsk oblast
- post office — we have found 4 outlets.
- up to date information about services, schedule sending and receiving of the cargo, convenient search.
- post office — map locations, reviews, phone numbers and the coordinates of the offices.
- List
- On the map
# | Address | phone |
1 | Chelyabinsk, Northern Beam, 1A | +7 (351) 220-03-31 |
2 | Chelyabinsk, Kopeyskoye highway, 25/1 | +7 (351) 220-03-31 |
3 | Magnitogorsk, 1-I North West street, 5 | +7 (3519) 49-01-67 |
4 | Miass, street of Academician Pavlova, 8/6 | +7 (3513) 28-96-04 |