Nizhny Novgorod oblast
Offices KIT TC Nizhny Novgorod oblast
- post office — we have found 6 outlets.
- up to date information about services, schedule sending and receiving of the cargo, convenient search.
- post office — map locations, reviews, phone numbers and the coordinates of the offices.
- List
- On the map
# | Address | phone |
1 | Arzamas, street Zagotzerno, 2B | +79535562222 |
2 | Dzerzhinsk, Lenin Avenue, 1 | +78313379752 |
3 | Khimki, no | |
4 | Nizhny Novgorod, street Vtorchermet, 1 | +78312310230 |
5 | Pavlovo, Garage lane 1 | +78317131583 |
6 | Zavolzhye, Prospekt Dzerzhinskogo, 3B | +79200107145 |