Sumy region

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Offices Delivery Auto Sumy region

  • post office — we have found 11 outlets.
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1Belopol'e, 64 A, Soborna Str.(067) 434-74-61 Замовити забір/доставку вантажу - "НАТИСНИ ТУТ" або зателефонуй 0800-509-509
2Gluhov, 55 Teretschenkiv Str(05444) 2-40-00, (067) 575-40-23
3Konotop, 16 Sadova Str.(05447) 2-33-69, (067) 620-74-84
4Krolevets, 15 Karla Marksa Str.(067) 644-05-78
5Okhtyrka, 8 Frunze Str. (8 Sumska Str.)(05446)-2-25-83, (067) 620-06-30
6Romny, 103 Horkogo Str.(067) 380-40-50
7Shostka, 36a Lenina Str. (36a Sadovyi Bulvar Str.)(067) 620-62-76
8Sumy, 23б Topolyanska Str.(067) 620-74-75, (0542) 65-64-99, забор/доставка 067-628-14-71
9Sumy, Kondratyeva Str. 106 (former Kirova Str.)(067) 620-05-08, (0542) 619-833
10Sumy, 107-1 Kharkivska Str.(0542) 64-01-15, (067) 620-75-17
11Trostyanec, 58а Horkoho Str.(067) 575-43-85; (054) 585-11-05