Listonosza #5337316
Mi szukam norating, vudli, pregnecy to professing the growth of professionalism, gotovich pridbati Novi Dowd, the knowledge that navicki.
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Obow ASCI:
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- the meeting place of work: m. Kyiv
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call us now, whether weasel, to vdlv kadru direct!
Kyiv msica UDPS Directorate "Ukrposhta"
Livoberezhniy poshtamt (Dneprovskii, district Pasichna, luxurious, Desnyanskiy the R-or):
m. Kyiv, vul. Lunacharskogo, 16/4
Tel vddlo cadru: 541-15-36; 230-08-22
Kyiv msica UDPS Directorate "Ukrposhta"
Pivdenny poshtamt (Svyatoshinskiy, Golosiyivskiy, SOLOM ansci the R-or):
m. Kyiv, b-R Lepse, 34
Tel vddlo cadru: 497-52-05; 497-11-44; 230-08-22
Kyiv msica UDPS Directorate "Ukrposhta"
Punchy poshtamt (Obolonsky, dear visitors of the R-or):
m. Kyiv, vul. Frunze, 118
Tel vddlo cadru: 482-40-90; 230-08-22
Kyiv msica UDPS Directorate "Ukrposhta" (Shevchenko, Pecherskii the R-or):
m. Kyiv, vul. Khreschatyk, 22
Tel vddlo cadru: 230-08-22; 230-08-21